The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the inte


The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the interest rate is much less, even as low as 2%. The rate depends on the money market, when there is plenty of money (59) to be borrowed, banks charge low rates of interest. A savings bank may pay its depositors 2% and lend the money at 3.5% or 4%. But when money is tight, interest rates go up, and a savings bank may try to (60) depositors by offering 4% or 4.5% or even more and lending the money at 5% or 6%.






更多“The bank (56) borrowers enough interest to pay the expense of the bank and have something left over for (57) . The interest cannot be higher than the legal rate, which is established by state law and in most states is 6% per year. (58) big loans, the inte”相关问题