(b) Describe a framework to assess the risks to the progress of the Giant Dam Project. You


(b) Describe a framework to assess the risks to the progress of the Giant Dam Project. Your answer should

include a diagram to represent the framework. (6 marks)


(b) Framework for assessing risk
Risk is assessed by considering each identified risk in terms of two variables:
– its hazard (or consequences or impact) and,
– its probability of happening (or being realised or ‘crystallising’).
The most material risks are those identified as having high impact/hazard and the highest probability of happening. Risks
with low hazard and low probability will have low priority whilst between these two extremes are situations where judgement
is required on how to manage the risk.
In practice, it is difficult to measure both variables with any degree of certainty and so if is often sufficient to consider each
in terms of relative crude metrics such as ‘high/medium/low’ or even ‘high/low’. The framework can be represented as a ‘map’
of two intersecting continuums with each variable being plotted along a continuum.

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