

Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students will grasp and understand the main and detailed information of the passage.
Ability aim:
Students will improve their reading and speaking skills.
Emotional aim:
Students will foster the interest and desire of learning English and take part in speaking activities actively.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: Students will totally understand the content of the passage.
Difficult Point: Students will foster the interest of learning English, and take part in speaking activities.
Teaching procedure:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Show students pictures about different types of transportation and naturally lead to today’s topic.
Step 2: Pre-reading
1. Ask students two questions and some volunteers will be invited to share their answers.
Q1: How do you come to school?
Q2: How do your parents go to work?
2. Ask students to predict the main idea of the passage based on the above discussion and pictures on the screen.
Step 3: While-reading
1st reading: Ask students to read the passage for the first time and check their prediction. Besides, they need to find out which countries are mentioned in the passage and circle them.
2nd reading: Ask students to read the passage for the second time and complete the following chart. Some students will be invited to finish it on the blackboard.

Step4: Post-reading
Discussion: ask students to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation. Four students in a group, after five minutes, some groups are supposed to show their results.
Step5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.
Homework: ask students to investigate their friends’ way of going to school and find some interesting ways of transportation on the Internet.
Blackboard design:

1. How to improve students’ reading and speaking ability in your class?
2. How did you evaluate the performance of students in the class?