Practice 1Directions: This part is to test your ability to d

Practice 1Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Application Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.  假定你是李明,给北京市奥组委写一份申请函,申请做一名奥运会的志愿者。  写信日期:2007年12月2、3日  申请函需要包括:  1. 个人信息(年龄、性别、特长、外语能力、社会活动经历等)  2. 担任志愿者的理由  3. 希望担当的志愿者工作(如导游、翻译或接待服务等)  4. 联系方式
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