单选题The gas reserves in the far west and off the eastern and southern coasts of China ______.A have been tapped for more than 50 years.B have an output that is failing.C are just beginning to be tapped.D are not nearly enough to provide for the nation’s fu

The gas reserves in the far west and off the eastern and southern coasts of China ______.

have been tapped for more than 50 years.


have an output that is failing.


are just beginning to be tapped.


are not nearly enough to provide for the nation’s fuel consumption.

更多“单选题The gas reserves in the far west and off the eastern and southern coasts of China ______.A have been tapped for more than 50 years.B have an output that is failing.C are just beginning to be tapped.D are not nearly enough to provide for the nation’s fu”相关问题